DISCLAIMER: Mac OS Purge is provided to you as is. The author takes no responsibility for any problems caused by Mac OS Purge. Use at your own risk.
MAC OS PURGE purges the System Software memory. In other words, it gets rid of useless old junk from the System memory.
Mac OS Purge is especially useful under tight memory conditions, such as when running with only 4 megabytes of RAM, or when bugs begin to appear due to accumulation of stale data. For example, a bug in the QuickTime Musical Instruments loses certain instruments until you run Mac OS Purge.
Mac OS Purge does its job within a split second after launching, and then immediately returns to the Finder. While Mac OS Purge is running, it will display the System Software memory guage. If Mac OS Purge finds disposable data, you will see the System Software memory guage dip down. The amount by which the guage dips down will depend on how much old data you had accumulated.
Run frequently, or as often as you feel you need to.
COMMAND-KEY MAGIC: Hold down the command-key (the key with the propeller sign) and Mac OS Purge won't display the memory usage gauges.
TECHNICAL ADVICE: The best time to run Mac OS Purge is between launching applications that use large extensions. For example, if you decide to play a QuickTime movie after using a WorldScript application, both of which use memory intensive extensions, you would want to run Mac OS Purge to discard of QuickTime software before launching the WorldScript application. This will leave more System memory available when the WorldScript extension loads.
THE AUTHOR can be reached at: ttak@midway.uchicago.edu.
MetroLive and the MetroLive logo are trademarks of E. Kenji Takeuchi. Mac, Mac OS, Finder, QuickTime, WorldScript, and System Software are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.